Mr I
I'm a photograph(er) !
Quel boîtier, quel objectif ... tout le monde admet généralement que le photographe existe par son regard. Peu importe le matériel, la situation et l'oeil restent plus important que tout le reste. Mais alors ... 'Tu dois avoir un bon appareil !". L'oeil ou plutôt la pensée 'photographie' sans cesse. Quelles que soient les facilités que permettent tel ou tel équipement, on n'en est pas plus ou moins photographe sans son matériel chéri. Le premier pas restera toujours d'observer l'autre.
Which lens, which body are you using ? Everyone is happy to say that a photographer does exist through his eyes. But does everyone understand these words ? Whatever your photo gear, the situation and your eye are more decisive than anything else. But what ? ... "You have certainly a good camera !'. No ! The eye or more certainly your thoughts are shooting everytime. Even when some cameras allow some facilities, nobody is more or less a photographer with or without his cherished camera.
All pictures shot by © Ivan DUPONT